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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  January 25, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm EST

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bill: this is the part of the shell where we don't know what he will say, we have 11 seconds. they have a great weekend. martha: "happening now" starts right now. jon: a dangerous storm system rating new trouble. and now it looks like the chandra levy murder case could go back to square one. what happened next? it is all "happening now". bill: vice president joe biden kicks out the white house campaigned for gun control
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holding a roundtable in virginia right now. meeting with experts who worked on the issue in the wake of the 2007 mass shooting at virginia tech. good morning to you, i am jon scott. arthel: and i am arthel neville filling in for general -- generally. >> yesterday he took questions on a google plus hang out. it vice president biden has a criticism of assault weapons saying thing that they put police at a disadvantage. he says for self protection, a shotgun is a better bet to a
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shotgun will keep you a lot safer. a double barrel shotgun and somebody's using an assault weapon instead and it's harder to use an assault weapon and a shotgun. >> biden also says it is more urgent to ban high-capacity magazines as well. arthel: it seems that the renewal on the assault weapons ban is still a bit of a stretch. >> critics say that when dianne feinstein was in office and congress failed to reauthorize it, what is being proposed is not banning all weapons, but dealers could so what they have in stock. the makers say it is disappointing but not surprising
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that senator feinstein is focusing on curtailing the constitution instead of prosecuting criminals and focusing on our broken mental-health system. they say that finds him has been trying to ban weapons for decades. she was president of the san francisco board of supervisors in the late 1970s and she was there when a disgruntled member killed two people on the board. jon: let's bring in jonah goldberg. he is a fox news contributor. it is said that mr. obama plans to take a more combative approach on gun control. going around the country putting on a town hall event, rallying the people try to get this thing passed. do you think it will work? >> i am pretty speculative.
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he said he wanted the help of the people at his inaugural celebrations. he wanted people to call on the pressure to congress. he said he wanted to do this sort of thing and people in the white house sort of live in a bubble about the president's own level of persuasive power. he did a great job of getting our voters on election day, but he gave over 50 speeches in 2009 about obamacare and never once moved the needle of public opinion on obamacare. he is not merely the salesman of people who already think he is. jon: every time he wanted to give a primetime speech, that didn't seem to have a great effect either. >> yes, he kept thinking that the more cowbell approach everything was the answer. but it's a lame duck and he has
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to go to the states that voted for mitt romney in the election to have the public put pressure on our senators to back them on an issue that they do not want to back him on. i kind of feel sorry for joe biden. i think he is sincere in all this, but he is out there with a dog of an issue politically. he wants to run in 2016 and he is stuck doing this while hillary clinton is going to cohost 60 minutes with barack obama this sunday. i am sure he is very bitter about that. jon: that is why we have the vice president giving helpful device that if you really want to protect yourself, go buy a shotgun. that way he can work both sides of the issue -- push for gun control, but still be an advocate for guns? >> it's not really great advice. while i think a shotgun is good, it's also really good at killing the innocent bystander next to the person raking into your house. the whole thing is that joe biden knows that he can be anti-gun. the problem is that this administration, for good reasons or bad, they have zero
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credibility with the gun rights community. they believe that dianne feinstein and barack obama wants to take away guns. they believe that in their bones. this legislation is so full of loopholes and wants to lay down a predicate to make it easier down the road to check gun owners and sue people who didn't store their guns properly. give the right government to go in people's homes. there is no trust that that is where the democrats will stop it as a down payment on a slippery slope. jon: these are the people in 2008, senator obama sock clinging to their guns and religion? >> yes, these are the people that he believes he can move and persuade to be in favor of gun control in states lik west virginia and wyoming. it's not going to happen.
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i will be very surprised if this thing ever gets out of the senate. i think speaker john boehner love the idea of saying that we will give serious consideration to whatever harry reid senate passes and sends to us in a matter of gun control. it's a terrible issue for democrats. i don't think obama has the loyalty among democrats in gun control that he thinks he has. jon: hairy weed has the support of the nra in times past. >> yes, harry reid cannot cross the nra. there are voters in a lot of these places. the nra doesn't speak for them. this is a popular position among actual voters and you can see the red states with blue feathers. jon: good analysis as always. thank you so much. >> it's great to be here be to growing pressure on the senate to do something they haven't done in four years. we are talking about passing a federal budget.
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republicans in the house trying to force senators to come up with a spending plan will go without pay. mike emanuel is live on capitol hill with more. when we take up the debt ceiling deal? reporter: the senate is likely to take up the bill some time next week. they are required to pass a budget by april 15. bottom line, fiscal conservative senators are loving it. >> they have really written some good budgets, tough budget that they have defended, but the democratic senate has just a few. they say send more money. they need the american people to send more money. we don't need a budget to tell you where the money is going to be. so i think that they understand. >> some are complaining that the
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senate democrats refused to do about it for three years in a row. finally, now that the house has passed the measure and we start to hear the senate democrats saying that they are going to do a budget. jon: is part of that deal, they are required to pass it by april 15, or else no budget and no pay. they will ultimately get paid down the road, but for those who are not part of the millionaires club, no paycheck, even in the short term. arthel: what are the democrats in the senate saying? are you feeling any pressure? reporter: they are trying to avoid that they are feeling pressure. they are under pressure to get a budget done by april 15, or else no class senators will feel the pinch. the head of the budget committee sounded pretty feisty. >> the last several years, congressional republicans have
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held the full faith and credit of the united states of america hostage for political points and debates. instead of doing what congress has always done under both parties, allowing the government to pay the bills it has accrued. they decided to play a game of chicken with the global economy. reporter: paul ryan, we are told, is working on a budget plan that would balance within 10 years. it is expected that patty murray's idea of the budget will be quite different. but the bottom line is a lot of people who say we need the budget with this debt of $16 trillion are going, will be glad to get to the table and work on an actual budget speech you we will see how it turns out. mike emanuel, thank you very much be one a fox news weather alert. extreme winter weather is gripping parts of the south. arctic air and freezing rain expected from arkansas to the north carolina and south carolina area. dangerous driving conditions. up to a quarter inch of ice can
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accumulate. people in the upper midwest and northeast are wondering when the cold will end. another day of bone chilling temperatures. we have our meteorologist here with the update. thanks for joining us, janice dean. reporter: that's right, cool air as far as the midsouth. ice on the roadways, the tennessee river valley, look at all that pink on the radar. it looks pretty, but it's not nice to drive in. north of that area is snow. it was is not a blockbuster event, but we could get one to 4 inches of snow across the ohio river valley into what the northeast. we are seeing the potential for freezing rain and sleet in tennessee and kentucky. the carolinas as well. mainly ranges east of huntsville. good shower activity just south of nashville as well.
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cleveland, cincinnati, washington dc -- he will get a few inches of snow possibly over the next several hours. freezing rain advisory is in the light purple end ice storm warnings in the darker shade of purple here. through tonight we could get half an inch of ice on the roadways. over trees, on power lines. it will make things very dangerous. it could bring down the power lines and there are reports of accidents near knoxville and bowling green. if you live in those areas, please take care. travel forecast. where is the system going? is pushing eastward. nashville around the freezing mark. there is that pink shaded area. really dangerous driving conditions and people are urged to stay off the roadway. towards the north we will get this now. one to 3 inches again -- not a blockbuster event. the people driving along the i-95 corridor, it will be a bit of a mess.
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again it's going to be truculence treacherous and we are looking forward to that of a warm-up into next week for much of the northeast. the great lakes and midwest seeing temperatures colder than what they have been in years. we will see the biggest accumulation across the great lakes. we have not seen as much snow this year, but we have seen a lot of cold. jon: thank you so much, janice dean. arthel: have you ever taken a zumba dancing class? this teacher is being accused of
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using this class is cover-up for running a prostitute service. - all that and more is coming up next in "happening now." bacon? -oh! -oh! oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your story for a chance to win a progress-oh! makeover in hollywood. go to to enter. and save hundreds with our best offer yet,
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jon: some crime stories we are keeping an eye on. a man charged in a prostitution scandal. he is accused of conspiring with this woman, alexis wright, of running a prostitution studio with a cover-up of a zumba class. and a deadly brawl in brooklyn. the 24-year-old was being escorted from a holding cell to a bathroom and police said he shoved the officer and ran away. it is not clear whether he was handcuffed or how he got out of the station. in florida, orlando police need
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some help finding a man missing since monday. they say the 47-year-old has mental health issues. arthel: new information on the nationwide flu outbreak. the centers for disease control and prevention just releasing the numbers showing how hard the flu is heading now and who is most at risk. elizabeth is live in atlanta. i just got a text for my 28-year-old cousin was a teacher in los angeles and she said she's back in urgent care. so this thing is definite is still on the rise, right? yes, this remains one of the worst flu seasons that we have seen so far. the cdc reporting a more pediatric deaths this week, bringing the total up to 37 deaths as far as pediatric cases are concerned. nationally speaking, cases are leveling off, but we are still seeing an increase in some areas. in general, new england and the
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midwest, we are seeing a decline in cases. but in the southwest and parts of the northwest we are seeing an increase of cases. the cdc says more than 133 million doses of the influenza vaccine have been distributed. they predict at least 145 million would be produced before the end of the season. so they are still available. that being said, some pharmacies have been running out of the vaccine but it's just a matter of doing your background check. take the time, do a little research and you will be able to still get a vaccine. arthel: is there a group that is most at risk? >> group that is still at the greatest risk is people who are deciders old and older. that group needs to get vaccinated and if they are feeling any symptoms, go ahead and call your doctor and get treatment immediately. symptoms of what we normally see if you have a copper fever were sore throat and of course, those
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really irritating body aches. as far as prevention is concerned, don't be afraid, wash your hands. be aware of what you're touching. if you are starting to feel any of the symptoms, go ahead and call your employer and try to stay home from work. honestly call your doctor as well. it's not too late to go ahead and prevent yourself from being sick. arthel: that is great information. you have to be careful. wash your hands. right now i am staying off the subways because it's so dirty. jon: we wish her cousin well. i hope she's watching. jon: the murder of chandra levy is back in the spotlight. the former intern's death rocked the nation more than a decade ago. now there is more information on secret court hearings in that case. in north korea, threatening all-out war against the south and the latest on the escalating
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tensions over the regimes missile programs.
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jon: new questions are being raised about washington dc murder they captured the nation's attention more than a decade ago. you might remember chandra levy, a congressional intern found dead in 2001. gregg jarrett has details on some new court hearings in that case. reporter: that is right, it is all can set content together conceivable that the man convicted could have that action thrown out in the retrial that might never happen. chandra levy vanished in the summer 2001. an intense urge turned up absolutely nothing. she had been an intern in washington dc. there were allegations she had
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an affair with the then married congressman gary condit. her skeletal remains were eventually found in a remote area of the park a year later. eventually this man was convicted of murdering her. there was never any physical or tying him to the crime. witnesses implicated him, including an inmate who claimed that he confessed to killing chandra levy. however one of the witnesses may have lied. closed hearings are being held on that very issue. chandra levy's parents have been told about the secret hearings. >> no matter what goes on, our daughter is dead it doesn't really matter except that they get the right person.
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reporter: if the judge decides there is enough evidence to cast doubt on the truthfulness of that key witness, the entire conviction could be overturned. without that witness there may not be enough evidence for a retrial. the case for chandra levy would be once again on solid. jon: you have to feel bad for her parents. that is so awful. our legal panel will weigh in in the next hour. arthel: let's go to breaking developments on rising tensions in asia. north korea threatening war against the south if they participate in new u.n. sanctions over their nuclear program. this comes days after they threatened to settle accounts with the u.s. with nuclear missiles. all this tough talk is coming as north korea is vowing to bring about its missile and nuclear
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test. let's bring in our expert now of foreign defense policy at the american enterprise institute. michael, let's just go here. so is kim jong-un, if he is trying to prove that he is not afraid of the big bad wolf, that being the u.s. or is this another attention grabber? what is it that he wants from the united states? take any money, because it's not going to get it. >> yesterday shown that he is not afraid by launching his missile in december. and also china before that back in april. i'm not so sure why north korea is upset about this. it's empty and it doesn't do anything but previous extender thing. there is no reason to do so. they are not doing anything about the north korean provocations. >> this guy has to raise his own
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head and try to get some attentions. let's talk about the people that might be watching. japan is right there and we are talking about proximity. we are talking about how much attention they can get. they are hoping for a response. then there is china who is north korea's major ally in terms of diplomacy. but china is now saying that kim jong-un is backing down a little bit. reporter: i wonder how much time they have. they signed onto these u.n. resolutions from two days ago. but at the same time, as you mentioned, they give all the economic support and aid to keep the machine wide. it will clearly sell these missiles to iran. the problem and what makes japan and south korea and the united states services that these missiles are successful. so today when north korea starts to threaten the united states,
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we probably have to take a little bit more seriously. they are getting to the point where they are going to have a missile that can when they reach us. they are able to make a nuclear weapon on top of that -- they have to go for doing an explosion to miniaturizing it and putting it on top of a missile. if they get to that, it may be a different world for us. at that point, in all honesty, we have to admit that we failed. diplomacy failed and what we should do is just make it clear that we will retaliate for any attack on us speak to a couple of things i want to pick up. what whether they get out of the relationship -- china, with north korea? >> up the great question. i think a lot of people are trying to figure that out. clearly china seems to desire an unbalanced totalitarian state. taking the northern half of the women's a lot -- the korean peninsula, that way you don't have a united korean peninsula that beijing feels might join
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with the united states would join in with japan. so it's really the type of scale for china. they are not able to control north korea. they are not willing to put real pressure on her. so far they think it's in their interest. i think the rest of the world thinks about the really bad miscalculation. arthel: before we go, i want to touch on is as quickly as we can. we talked about the diplomacy that is not working. it may be time for action. >> yes. arthel: china's military is overstretched. the u.s. has 20,000 troops in south korea and troops in japan as well. they don't really want to start any sort of war with this country, i would imagine. reporter: that is the whole point. we all think that north korea is crazy like a fox and they're not going to do anything that could cause a real attack on them. on the other hand, they have
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murdered south korean sailors and attacked the south korean homeland. they have kidnapped citizens from other countries. if you're planning on rationality or good faith from north korea, it is a really big and dangerous that's make her the point is the united states has to be ready and serious about defending our interests. so far we have not sent that should be concern with north korea's continued provocative behavior. michael, have to leave it there. love to continue to talk to you about this. maybe we'll have you on again and we'll continue discussions. >> thank you. jon: the pentagon's move to lift the ban on women in combat roles is sparking new concerns about the future effectiveness of units serving on the front lines. the latest on the controversial decision ahead. as if the flu outbreak wasn't bad enough, a new strain of norovirus is cutting a trail through the u.s. arthel is shaking her head. a look who is most at risk, plus what you can do to stay healthy. arthel: only you were supposed to see that, jon
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scott. ♪ aww man. [ male announcer ] returns are easy with free pickup from the u.s. postal service. we'll even drop off boxes if you need them. visit pay, print, and have it picked up for free. any time of year. ♪ nice sweater. thank you. ♪
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jon: new fallout now from the pentagon's decision to integrate women into combat units. defense secretary leon panetta officially lifted the ban yesterday. the move drawing strong criticism from critics and supporters. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live from the pentagon now. jennifer, what's been the reaction among men in the military? >> reporter: well hard to generalize, jon, but in general marines and special
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operators have expressed the biggest skepticism. marines such as ryan smith, a retired sergeant that served in iraq thinks the decision puts live at risk. >> my 1st sergeant was mortally wounded when we were in iraq and in the turret of a amphibious assault vehicle. he was 6'5", roughly 250 pound man. i haven't seen a woman yet be able to pill that man out of amphibious assault vehicle and get him to a medevac. >> reporter: martin dempsey realized women were on the front lines when he got into his personal armored in iraq. who are you? i'm amanda. i said okay. female turret gunner protecting the division commander. from that point on i realized something had changed. it was time to do something about it. >> reporter: panetta and the joint chiefs have been discussing this over a year, jon. jon: i guess israeli is
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really the only country in the world that requires women to serve in its military. how have they handled the issue of women in combat there? >> reporter: that's a good question. female lawmakers in parliament passed a equality amendment that stated the right of women to serve in any role in the idf is equal the right of men. women had to be physically suitable to combat but suitable was left to the discretion of military leaders on a case-by-case basis. traditionally women have not been in the elite combat units like the galani brigade. they have been paratroopers. recently men and women started serving in light infantry units. platoons that were a formal battalion in 2000. so some men and women are serving side by side in combat in these light infantry units which includes some artillery and armored divisions but defend, --
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again, most women are not serving in direct cop bat units in israel. they are not barred from doing so. they have however joined the border patrol recently and they have been a very lethal force on the border. in fact some very high-profile incidents of late where they killed some intruders in the sinai desert. jon: jennifer griffin at the pentagon. jennifer, thank you. arthel: well the doctor is in and she is here too talk about on an aggressive new strain of norovirus that has been sweeping the global. well it has taken hold here in the u.s. the centers for disease control reports that since september the new strain has caused more than 140 outbreaks nationwide. norovirus spreads quickly through large groups and causes bouts of volume iting and -- vomiting and diarrhea. we have lee van nokia cure, lsu health science center at shreveport. how are you doing. >> good. how are you? arthel: i am but a lot of people aren't. that doesn't sound very good
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symptoms you get from the norovirus. how else can you tell us in terms of how this virus attacks the body. >> what is interesting, every couple a years a new strain comes about. this was coincidentally during the peak of influenza this spiked. early on when we were hering about people that had the flu but had nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, it was probably they were infected with the norovirus. and the norovirus is a gi virus. it has been around for a long time. it was first described as the norwalk virus. it has been in the news intermittently. you hear about cruise ships having outbreaks of it where people get sick. but the key is good hygiene, hand-washing, things like that, you can really protect yourself. arthel: if it is gi, gastrointestinal, how do you know though, because some of the symptoms are the same as the flu, how do you know what's the difference and how do you treat this virus?
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>> well truthfully the regular influenza you really shouldn't have vomiting and diarrhea. arthel: okay. >> and there really isn't a treatment for this virus. most of the time in normal healthy adults and older children, they just are sick for a week the key is, the diarrhea isn't what can make you sick, it is the vomiting. you can get dehydrated from that. the key to that is really to keep a lot of fluids down. if you're finding somebody in your family, a child, a coworker, whatever, and they're not keeping fluids down, that's the time to go to the emergency room because what you might need is some iv fluids. arthel: so you didn't tell me, dr. lee, that there is necessarily a way to treat it? correct me if i'm wrong. do you let it pass through the body, make sure you stay hydrated? >> no, it is. with a lot of diarrhea illnesses somehow that is how we get rid of the bacteria and viruses. people always want to stop
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diarrhea. i tell people if they can stand the diarrhea and keep really well-hydrated. that is the key. and it take as week and runs its course. the key if you're very old, very young, immune compromised and you really can't keep anything down, then you might need some ivs. arthel: once you catch this norovirus are you more susceptible for it to be able to attack you again? >> you know, every year the same way we get the flu. little changes come in. yeah, you can get the the norovirus again. this is new strain called the sydney strain from australia, a little different than the older ones. so they're pretty tricky these viruses. they mutate, they esolve and get us again. arthel: yikes!. wash your hands is the main thing, right. >> right. arthel: dr. lee van know cure, thank you very much. i don't think i have said the word die maria before noon so many times.
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>> right. welcome to my world. jon: advocates taking on one of the oldest traditions at the u.s. military academy at west point, sparking a new delate on prayer. the latest on that in a live report. plus one sheriff's deputy lucky to be alive after a suspect takes him on a terrifying ride. the shocking video next. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. and save hundreds with our best offer yet, now extended due to popular demand.
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get an adt security system starting at just $49 installed, but only for a limited time. that's an instant savings of $250. don't leave your family's safety to chance. call or visit both: i had a break-in. man: by the time i called the police, there wasn't much they could do. i felt so helpless. adt quickly called the police. i felt like it was over right away. feels like it's still not over. we lost our digital photos, financial records, things that insurance simply can't replace. [ male announcer ] help ptect yourself with the fast-alarm response of adt with 24/7 monitoring against burglary, fire, and high levels of carbon monoxide starting at just over $1 a day. and now our best offer yet has been extended due to popular demand. installation starting at just $49 -- a savings of $250. but hurry. i'm glad we had adt. [ male announcer ] adt. always there.
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jon: new next hour, new insight into the battery problems facing boeing's 787 dreamliners. video surfacing of a battery fire at a testing facility several years ago. we have the latest on the national transportation safety board's ongoing investigation that has grounded that plane. it's a gruesome murder case making national headlines. an exterminate tore accused of stripping link and burning one of his customers. we look at ways to protect yourself when inviting
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contractors into your home. a brave emergency worker risks his life to save a 14 who decided to go for a swim in raging floodwaters. more of this incredible video to come. arthel: speaking of incredible video, we have some terrifying video of an arrest gone terribly wrong. it's new coming from the dash-cam video from seminole county, florida, just north of orlando. here you see the deputy getting out of his car to question a shoplifting suspect. when the officer moves in for the arrest, here it goes, the suspect spins around and gets back in his car the he will take off. and he is going to drag the deputy for nearly 20 feet. the deputy was not seriously injured fortunately, and the suspect was later found. he was hiding in the attic of his home. he faces a long list of charges including aggravated assault. jon: serious new concerns about one of the occur traditions at west point as one group pushes the u.s. military academy to ban prayer at schoolwide events
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like christmas dinner and graduation. religion correspondent lauren green live in our new york city newsroom with more on that controversy. lauren? >> reporter: jon, prayer has been a part of west point military academy since its beginnings more than 200 years ago. this current controversy starting when an atheist cadet complained about overt prayers at many events like awards dinners and holiday celebrations and graduations. americans united for separation of church and state sent a letter to the west point warning academy government sponsored prayers at school sponsored events violates the first amendment of the constitution. >> the united states military at it best defends the fundamental rights of people including the right to believe in one god or many gods or no god and west point, ought to give the same consideration to its own cadets. unfortunately it does not. >> reporter: in a statement to fox news the military academy says the united states military academy respects the fundamental tenet of our nation and that
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church and state are separate. as such, prayer is voluntary. cadets may opt to pray. they may decline. this is personal decision left to each individual cadet. jonathan, a 1999 west point grad a agrees. the jewish cadet saying he never felt coerced or pressured to pray at academy events. >> prayers are set. it is benediction or invocation. it is typically nondenominational. it is not mandatory. so you do have a stand there for a minute but you don't have to bow your head. you don't have to pray. it is just part of a tradition. >> reporter: so far no lawsuits have been filed. americans united for separation of church and state does say since december it has received several complaints about overreligiosity at other u.s. military academies. jon? jon: lauren green, our religion correspondent. thank you. >> reporter: thank you. arthel: she pled guilty to having sex with a 14-year-old while working as
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a middle school teacher in florida. why debra la safe is now back in court. the british spy organization made famous by bond, james bond. coming up the look inside the real mi6.
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jon: it is a secret spy organization made famous by the fictional james bond but what most people know about mi6 is shaped by those films and the novels that came before them. now we're going to speak with the author of a book that is revealing some of the secrets behind the real-life british secret intelligence service. it is called, the art of betrayal. the author, gordon carrera joins us now. this, well, james bond in, the fictional james bond in this agency has a license to
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kill. you right that the real mi6 does not? >> well, it doesn't have an official license to kill. i once interviewed the chief of mi6 who works just down the river from where i am now and i said to him, do you have a license to kill? he said no, there is no license to kill. have you ever had one? there was this wonderful pause where he tried to think what the right answer was. i think in the past there might not have been a license to kill but mi6 did look bumping up even leaders of foreign countries like the president of egypt during the suez crisis in 1956. i think swashbuckling days of the past, it was pretty james bond-like, but i'm not quite sure it's the same now. there are a few of the old-timers who use to serve in those days who worry those days are a bit too far behind them and now much more rigorous, accountable organization, too many lawyers and not quite enough james bonds. jon: you write, there was a plot at one point for mi6 to
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take out the nasser, the former president of egypt. you're not able to hear me? there was a report that mi6 talked about taking out nasser, the leader of egypt? this is, this is unfortunate. he is not able to hear us. but it's a fascinating read. it is, it is, the all about the secrets and so forth inside the british intelligence service. gordon corera is is the author. there is the book. you might want to pick it up. he has fascinating stories to tell on life in mi6. arthel: i was gripped about that. jon: one of the arguments, a.q. khan, the pakistani scientist who has been selling nuclear secrets all over the world, including to the iranians and probably the north koreans, that maybe if you take out a guy like that you might have made the world a better place. arthel: yeah. well, anyway, we'll move on now. but that was fascinating
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nonetheless, jon. right now a former middle school teacher who pled guilty to having sex with a 14-year-old student is being ordered back on probation. gregg jarrett is in our newsroom with more. what's going on with this, gregg? >> reporter: jarrett, gregg jarrett. it was too easy. arthel: are you kidding me? >> reporter: i have license for nothing. arthel: exactly. >> reporter: let's talk debra lafave. who can forget the steamy photos of the school teacher, debra lafave. she was busted for having sex with a 14-year-old student and pled guilty. her sentence, three years house arrest and seven years probation. including an 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. curfew and ard on order to stay away from all schools. a trial judge released her from probation before her full sentence was served. the prosecutors were not happy. they appealed. the trial court decision
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they said was an abuse of discretion, reversing. lafave explained how she spent her year off probation. >> my mom was diagnosed with cancer for the second time, and i spent my year of probation, excuse me, off probation, taking care of her and i'm so fortunate that i was able to take her to chemo treatments and spend the night with her, when she needed me the most. and i appreciate the news people that spoke the truth. >> reporter: her lawyer thinks the appellate court is absolutely mistaken in this. he predicts his infamous client will once again be free of restrictions. >> it has been eight and a half years now and this case is still not over. the supreme court of florida accepted jurisdiction of the case. we're hopeful that we will receive a favorable ruling in the next six months to a year from the supreme court. and then that should finally conclude things one way or another in this case. >> reporter: so for now the mother of twins back on
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probation for the next four years unless the florida supreme court reverses the reversal. arthel, trial court judges are given unfettered discretion in matters of sentencing. so lafave's probation may not last verying long. back to you. >> gregg, thank you very much. we're back after this i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. what i really need is sleep. introducing the ishares core, building blocks for the heart of your portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. we've dided to we're all having such a great year in the gulf, put aside our rivalry. 'cause all our states are great. and now is when the gulf gets even bett. the beaches and waters couldn't be more beautil. take a boat ride or just lay in the sun. enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty. and don't forget our amazing seafood.
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jon: right now brand new stories and breaking news. new developments for boeing's high profile dreamliner. we'll tell you what's keeping the fleet on the ground perhaps for months. and some tough words for the white house press corps, a new report calling them amateur and juvenile. we've got the details on what's behind those accusations. and a major food scare, horses and millions of burgers taken off supermarket shelves. disturbing revelations of what was really in the meat. we begin. arthel: so good to see you on this friday, a brand new hour of "happening now" with more news.
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more problems for boeing's new dreamliner fleet. i'm arthel neville. jon: good to have you, arthel, i'm jon scott. the national transportation safety board saying its investigators have not been able to identify the cause of a pair of battery problems that prompted airlines around the world to ground the big 787s. one caused a flight to make an emergency landing in japan. the head of the ntsb is now speaking out about the batteries and saying the investigation is far from over. dan springer live in seattle with the latest now. this battery, dan, it may have been dangerous even before the plane was certified to fly? >> reporter: yeah, jon. this issue's been out there a long time. now, boeing uses these 60-pound lithium ion batteries because they put a lot more power out than the standard batteries used on planes. but there were serious red flags dating back to 2006. this video has surfaced of a fire at a boeing contractor's lab near tucson, arizona. it was sparked when a lithium
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ion battery -- the same kind used in the dreamliner -- exploded during the test. a company makes the battery charger for the dreamliner, and we know ntsb investigators were back at this location this week testing the charger. the battery concerns prompted the faa to issue special rules for the installation of the batteries in the 787 of. investigators said yesterday the safety systems put in place by boeing definitely did not work. jon? jon: so the experts are pessimistic about getting this plane back in the air anytime soon? is. >> reporter: yeah. today didn't say how long the investigation would take, but we're talking about months, not weeks before the dreamliner will fly again, perhaps many months. investigators say nothing can be ruled out. they're looking at the overheated batteries perhaps being part of a bad batch, looking at the plane's electrical system and how it interacts with the batteries. the the battery maker is a japanese company, and officials there say they've been working if space satellites for years
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with no problems. bottom line, it doesn't look like a quick fix. >> this is not something that we're expecting will be solved overnight. there is a lot of technical work and a lot of complex work to understand. >> reporter: on the pond airway withs takes the biggest hit, they had 24 dreamlines in service, and they've been forced to cancel many flights between u.s. and tokyo. united airline is the the only american carrier affected. boeing has stopped delivering dreamliners until the grounding is lifted. that's the big impact on boeing, because if they can't deliver planes, they can't make money on those planes, and they continue to lose money on this program, jon. jon: yeah. and a big impact on the nation's trade balance too, that's for sure. >> reporter: that's right. jon: dan springer, thank you. >> reporter: okay. arthel: organizers call it the largest human rights demonstration in the world. thousands of pro-life americans descending on the national mall in washington for the annual march for life. now, this year's march comes the
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same week marking 40 years since the roe v. wade u.s. supreme court decision legalizing a woman's right to abortion. meanwhile, activists from the group stop staging a counterprotest today in d.c. as well. doug mckelway's live from the national mall and, doug, what can you tell us about the crowds behind you? >> reporter: you know, it's hard to gauge at this point, arthel. it looks a little bit smaller than in years past, but the program is just literally started moments ago, and this crowd has a way of filling in just at the last moment. is so i don't want to gauge the size of it yet. i think people are still arriving here, and it's growing and growing especially on this very, very cold day. we're expecting to hear from a lot of politicians in the next few moments or so. speaker john boehner will be speaking via video link, and we'll also be hearing live from former pennsylvania senator and presidential candidate rick santorum as well as present
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senator rand paul of kentucky. the pro-life movement is at a key juncture right now. one recent gallup poll which was completed in the month of january 2013 found that 48% of americans are now pro-choice, 4 44% pro-life. that's a bit of a flip-flop and a bit troublesome to the pro-life movement. in addition they, of course, are looking at four more years of perhaps the most liberal president since fdr. but conversely, at the state level especially in those states governed by republican governors and republican state legislatures, b they're looking at gains in the abortion front. they're seeing various restrictions being placed on unfettered abortions. now, the people who are gathered here are always quick to point out they don't take their cues from politicians, they take it from a higher authority, and on that note they heard this morning from the pope who tweeted, and i quote: i join all those marching for life from afar and pray that political leaders will protect the unborn
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and promote a culture of life. that tweet from the pope just this morning, arthel. arthel: and, doug, we understand there is pro-life legislation on the hill too, right? >> reporter: yeah. in fact, congressman david vitter of louisiana has introduced four bills just today, one of which would prevent, prohibit, i should say, taxpayer funding of any abortion provided by any entity that provides abortion including planned parenthood. he's also introduced another bill which would prevent sex-selective abortion. this is a growing trend, apparently, in the united states, especially in asian cultures. apparently, taking cues from china where the one-family, one-childbirth policy has led to an extraordinary number of abortions against females. arthel, back to you. arthel: this is certainly a serious topic, but that aside for one second allow me to sound like my mom, you need a hat on your held, doug mckelway. >> reporter: i do. i forgot to bring my hat, and it
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is bitterly cold. these people are much tougher than i am. they come out year after year in any kind of weather to demonstrate their cause. arthel: all right. doug mckelway, thank you very much. jon: you know we were having some audio troubles during an interview with gordon, we have fixed those problems or so we think, and we are back with him now. it is a history of mi6, the modern history of mi6, the british secret service agency. you say that, you know, conspiracy theorists came up with this idea that george w. bush, bush 43 as he's known in this country, and tony blair knew there were no weapons of mass destruction in iraq but invaded anyway. your book says that's bunk. >> yes. the book really says that the intelligence agency simply got it wrong. the politicians, talking particularly about here in london, thought the weapons were there, and they thought it because the intelligence agencies told them they were. so i really focus on trying to
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understand why mi6 got it wrong over those iraqi weapons of mass destruction. and incidentally, a lot of that british intelligence was vital in the american case for war. but they simply were being told things by their agents in iraq which were not true, and the quality control, the checking on that information simply failed. people were saying this is here, that's here, and they believed it. the checking simply didn't work. and that played a key role in the case for the war. and especially in britain. i think it has done a lot of harm to the reputation of mi6 because the case was built on their work. jon i hate to keep coming back to james bond because he is a fictional character, after all -- are you able to hear me? okay. >> i am, yep. jon: okay. but you say these days within mi6 life has come to imitate art in some ways. >> well, that's right. i think one -- the mix between
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the fiction, the work of the ian fleming's james bond and reality is one of the most interesting themes. and at times the fiction has influenced the reality. i mean, there were mi6 officers who will talk about how when they've been to africa to meet someone they didn't know, whether the person would know anything about them, that person's extended their happened when they've said from mi6 and said "hello, mr. bond," because they've heard of the myth of james bond. and a chief once said to me he didn't think he'd get that reception if he was from the belgian secret service. so the myths and fictions have certainly influenced the reality of british espionage, a lot of the language has come from john he carry. that's not to say it's all really like the fiction, and i think there are a lot of people who wish it was a bit more like the fiction. but there's definitely a very close relationship between the fact and the fiction partly because so many of the writers of spy fiction who have defined
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how we think about the spy world were themselves former intelligence officers; graham green, john lecarry, ian freshmanning who wrote -- fleming who wrote bond. jon: the story of the exploding razor is worth the read. gordon caerer rah, the author of "the art of the trail." thank you for being with us. arthel: glad we were able to get him back. jon: yes. interesting book. arthel: really, really sounds like it. her disappearance and affair with a congressman shocked the nation more than a decade ago. now the legal developments that could exonerate the man convicted in chandra levy's murder. plus, we're only minutes away from a statement at the white house. president obama's pick for his chief of staff. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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jon: a fox news alert, president obama announcing a change in the power structure at the white house. let's listen in. >> as i said earlier this month,
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i could not be more grateful to jack lew for his amazing service first as our omb director, then at the state department and, ultimately, as my chief of staff. as he prepares for his confirmation hearings and the challenge of leading our treasury department, i am pleased to announce my next chief of staff and a great friend to me and everybody who works here at the white house, mr. dennis mcdonough. [cheers and applause]
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>> now, i have been counting on dennis for nearly a decade, since i first came to washington when he helped set up my senate office along with pete rouse. you know, he was able to show me where the restrooms were and -- [laughter] you know, how you passed a bill. i should point out that even then dennis had gray hair. [laughter] i've been trying to catch up to him. but at that time i relied on his intellect and his good judgment, and that has continued ever since. he's been one of my closest and most trusted advisers on my presidential campaign, on my transition team. he has been an indispensable member of my national security team as well. dennis has played a key role in every major national security decision of my presidency from ending the war in iraq to winding down the war this in afghanistan, from our response
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to natural disasters around the world like haiti and the tsunami in japan to the repeal of don't ask, don't tell to countless crises in between day and night. and that includes many nights. i've actually begun to think that dennis likes pulling all-nighters. [laughter] the truth is nobody outworks dennis mcdone now. and part of the reason you saw such warmth of applause is that in addition to being an incredible talent and such a hard worker, dennis is also a pretty humble guy. to so many of hi friends and admirers, he's still just a dude from stillwater, minnesota. [laughter] and given his humility, i don't think people always appreciate the breadth of his experience and the range of his talents. and it's precisely because of that intellect, that experience, his dedication, his determination that i wanted dennis in this job. as a veteran of capitol hill where he was mentored by the likes of lee hamilton and tom
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daschle, dennis understands the importance of reaching across the aisle to deliver results for the american people whether it's on jobs and the economy, health care or education, reducing the deficit or addressing climate change. dennis is respected by leaders across our government. add it all up, and i think he's spent most of the past four years leading interagency meetings, hearing people out, listening to them, forging consensus. and then making sure that our policies are implemented and that everybody's held accountable. and he always holds himself accountable nurse and foremost. -- first and foremost. and it's no easy task. but through it all dennis does it with class and integrity and thoughtfulness for other people's point of views. he's the consummate public servant, he plays it straight, and that's the kind of teamwork that i want in the white house. now, time and again i've relied on dennis to help many our outreach to the american people as well including immigrant and minority communities and faith
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communities. dennis is a man of deep faith. he understands that in the end our policies and our programs are measured in the concrete differences that they make in the lives of our fellow human beings. and in the values that we advance as americans. dennis insists on knowing for himself the real world impact of the decisions that we make, so away from the cameras without a lot of fanfare he's visited our troops in iraq and afghanistan repeatedly hearing their concerns, finding out what they need and then making sure to follow up. he travels to walter reed -- again, without fanfare -- to spend time with our wounded warriors, getting to know them and what we as a nation can do to take care of them and their families. and then he comes back here to the white house, and he gets it done. and that's the kind of focus but also the kind of heart that i want in this white house. now, don't get me wrong, dennis can be tough. it probably comes from being one
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of 11 children. you've got to be tough. [laughter] two of his sisters are here today, by the way, mary and anna, and i know they couldn't -- they're just beaming, they could not be more proud of their brother. [laughter] maybe it comes from his college football days as defensive back under the legendary john georgia lardy. i always tease dennis that, you know, he made up for modest talents with the extraordinary dedication -- [laughter] and a high threshold for pain. [laughter] this does remind me of, perhaps, the one -- jon: when you control the access to the most powerful man in the world, you become one of the most powerful men in the world, and that's the case now for dennis mcdonough, the president announcing him as his choice to be his new chief of staff. he will replace jacob lew, nominated to be the next
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treasury secretary. you'll see that face a lot in the months and years to come. we'll be right back with more "happening now."
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arthel: a pennsylvania exterminator is under arrest for the murder of pediatrician melissa -- [inaudible] police say she returned home to deal with a rodent problem, and that's when an altercation started with the exterminator, jason smith. >> she needed an exterminator, she called a certain service. he was subcontracted out. during the course of him servicing her, they got into some type of argument. it went terribly wrong. at that point he struck her while she was in the basement, nothinged her -- knocked her down, strangled her to death and ultimately set her body on fire. arthel: smith is 36 years old,
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he's now facing a string of charges including murder and arson. so how do you protect yourself and your family when strangers are working in your house? robert siden is the founder of confidential security and investigations. robert, thank you for being here. i mean, listen, are we going to get to that point? we all get these in the-home services, the cable guy, the plumber, it goes on, the exterminator. are we getting to the point where we need to have someone sit and wait with us for the cable guy? >> well, it's a good question. i don't think you need to have an armed guard in your house to protect you every time you have a home repair person come over. however, you do need to take some basic precautions to make sure that you're taking care of yourself, your family and your home when you have folks coming over who could be complete strangers. arthel: let's talk about some of those precautions right now. for instance, be very clear and ask them the name and the license of the employee who is on the way there, have another adult there, you also say to make sure you carry your cell phone. those are some of the ways to --
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are these too simple, or are they really important, these tips? >> well, often times the simplest things are the most protective things that you can do. and having a cell phone with you and even being on the cell phone or pretending to be talking to someone so that the repair person or the exterminator thinks that you're in communication, it'll make it less likely they're going to do anything. the other thing that's very important is don't get into an argument with the exterminator or the repair person. it's not worth it, and you're better off deescalating it as opposed to letting it escalate. have them leave if there's a disagreement, and then call the company and make your stake at that point as opposed to getting into a confrontation with someone you don't know in a very unusual circumstance. arthel: what are some of the things, the mistakes that people make and they're not really aware that they're making these mistakes? >> well, i mean, thankfully, most of the time these things happen, maintenance folks come over and everything's fine. most of the companies are
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licensed, and you're dealing with people who you were referred to. however, there are instances where you have to be careful, you have to use your common sense. you can't worry about being rude to the person who's coming over, and you have to worry about your own self-preservation. so things that you can't do is don't just allow them willy-nilly to walk through your house. know where they are. have a cell phone with you. if you're a single person and you feel threatened, having something like mace or some other type of weapon available that you can use. again, being practical and reasonable. you don't need to walk around with a loaded firearm. but you do need to use your common sense and don't be naive because there are situations that do happen like this. thankfully, not so many. arthel: and quickly, you want to make sure because sometimes the exterminator if you have a monthly, you know, account with them, they'll show up without being announced. don't let that happen, right? you find out from that company and say you find out, you know, exterminator xyz is coming at this particular time. >> that's right.
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not only do you do that, but you also find out the name of the exterminator or the individual that's come, and you ask them before opening the door to identify themselves so you can confirm it's the same person. if it looks like someone who you don't normally see, you may want to call the company and confirm that it is who they are sending over because that could happen as well. you have to be overly cautious. use your gut feeling. if you're not comfortable with something, don't worry about insulting them. your preservation of your own self is more important. arthel: indeed. very good tips. we all have these services, so we can't be too cautious. robert, thank you very much for joining us. jon: a dramatic water rescue caught on tape. take a look. a 14-year-old boy is saved from almost certain death in australia. he was clinging to a tree, rushing flood waters from a storm surrounding him. it was touch and go when all of a sudden the boy and the emergency worker lost their grip and were swept away in the powerful current. both managed to reach the shore.
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the boy walked away from the ordeal but was taken to a hospital to be sure he was okay. arthel: well, new questions are being raised surrounding the murder of chandra levy, the case of the dead intern that rocked washington in the summer of 2001. we're now hearing that a judge is holding secret hearings. what could this mean for the case? our legal panel debates it. and growing concerns over a horse meat scandal. millions of burgers sold, people thought it was beef, we're going to tell you where this all went down. our greg talcott is live just ahead. my insurance rates e probably gonna double. but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands?
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to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. . .. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief.
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jon: now a fox news weather alert. millions of americans at the mercy of mother nature as the invasion of arctic air forces a surge of frigid weather across the country. take a live look outside our new york city studios. folks are walking around all bundled up. meteorologist rick reich muth tracking it from the fox weather center. >> one day, not so bad, two days not so bad but we're on day six. a couple more days to get through it. not a lot of moisture with it. mostly light snow. some areas might see to three to four inches of snow. biggest concern with the storm we're doing now is the icing. down south the cold air is in place at surface, warmer air comes from above. it falls as rain and freezes on contact.
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everywhere across parts of eastern tennessee and parts of kentucky we have ice storm warnings in effect. freezing rain advisories across parts of north georgia. here in this area from bowling green towards appalachians, across the smokey mountains, we could see quarter to half an inch of ice accumulating. roads could be rough and see power outages with trees and powers line coming down with the ice up. here is what future radar and temperatures look like. we'll go from right now over the next couple hours. icing spreading into parts of north carolina. a little snow falling in towards washington, d.c. by this evening we'll see snow in towards new york city parts of jersey. dusting into a little snow. it is not a major snowstorm but temperatures remain cool behind us. here is what we're look at now. cold across the area. feels like 12 degrees in new york city. by monday and tuesday we might even see 50 degrees for a lot of this area for
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one day, tuesday, maybe into wednesday a little bit. jon? jon: wow, that would be a change. >> it would be a nice break. jon: rick reichmuth, thank you. >> you bet. arthel: it is a story that rocked washington and the country more than a decade ago. back in the spotlight today. a judge has been holding secret hearings in the case of the man convicted in the murder of chandra levy, the intern who went missing in may of 2001. her skeletal remains found in a d.c. park one year later. the case captured the nation's attention because of levy's affair with then congressman gary condit. though he was grilled by investigators, police ruled out condit as a suspect. now years later convicted sex offender, ingmar guandique was found guilty in levy's murder. he was convicted largely on his testimony or the testimony of his witnesses. it is that testimony that could be at issue in these secret hearings. prosecutors and defense lawyers aren't saying much but when asked for a comment
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levy's parents say while they have concerns about guandique going free they don't want an innocent man behind bars. bringing in our little panel. we have a criminal defense attorney and frred tecce a former federal prosecutor. fred, i will start with you on this. what is it that prosecutors could be looking for in these closed hearings and what might they find that could turn this case around? >> we're not really sure. we're trying to look into a sealed box and see what is going on. there are a couple things that tell us and give us some idea. first of all the judge hasn't indicated there are safety concerns. they have also been told that there are questions the government has got and given to the judge and the defense lawyer about the credibility of the witnesses. you have to remember one of the key witnesses against this defendant was a jailhouse snitch named morales who testified that the guy admitted to him and confessed to the crime. if another person in the jail has evidence that morales told him or that morales is lying that person's life could be in
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danger. of although the public has the right to know what is it going on in these cases often times for safety case the court has to seal them. that is what you're seeing. arthel: safety sake is for whose family now? >> no i think the safety sake is i think what happened someone else in prison is now telling the government there are questions about this guy morales who is also still in prison. and that person's life may be in danger. arthel: now, esther, it was my understanding i thought he was in prison for other charges, on other charges as well. what is this idea he could possibly go free if exonerated in this case? >> well, i'm not sure what the other charges are or what's holding him. i know he was sentenced to 60 years for the murder of chandra levy. but, if his other sentences were to expire and this case is resolved with an acquittal or a vacating of his sentence, which this is all speculation. we don't exactly know what's going on in there as fred said.
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so it could result, if everything is, the government find their not credible and for whatever reason the sentence is vacated. if he served out the remaining sentences then he could be free. that is lot of ifs before we get to the end. we don't even know that this is what's, the meetings are about. we think it is because that is what seems to make the most sentence from the outside. we don't really know. which is little bit of a problem. if there is a issue for potential snitch of a snitch, then you know the marshals are very good and they can put him or bureau of prisons are very good and put him in some sort of protective custody but the question, we don't know. chandra levy's family has the right to know since they are the victims in this case. arthel: these hearings and meetings are soup, supersecret and highly sensitive. esther, i will stay with you on this one.
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what information could be found to impeach the credibility of the witness? arthel:. >> witness already suffers from a lack of credibility. he is a snitch and in jail for other crimes. his veracity already has been impeached i'm sure in the trial. but i don't know what else they could be told. the, guy could have said i give someone else for time off my sentence. we don't know. when prosecutors make deals with snitches, you lay down with dogs, you get fleas. you're not dealing with the cream of society. you never know what will come out with a snitch. they're making deals to get time off their own sentence. people will sell their mothers to get time off their own sentence. you have to be careful what you trust. arthel: excuse me, esther. i want to go to the second case. fred, you want to add 22nds? >> 20 seconds unfortunately when you're a prosecutor, you have to make deals, because priests, rabbis and nuns are not in prison to snitch on cellmates.
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you know what? those are the people you're stuck with. arthel: moving to legal case in the spotlight. new york rangers fan seen in viral video showing his brutal beating. he is suing his attacker. the philadelphia bar, really disturbing video. philadelphia bar is suing them as well. kept serving the drunk assailant drink after drink after drink. he is police officer officer. decorated iraq war event. aruccio is his last name. he says is still suffering headaches and blurred vision. this is year after the attack. his lawsuit claims the flyers fan in this case is dennis viteri. here he is. he ran up a $226 bar tab at a neighborhood joint there before the violent confrontation. i want to warn you may find this cell phone video of the attack really disturbing.
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as it is playing, here is what is going on. he says he filed the suit because he believes he has become a poster-child for fan on fan violence happening too often. incidents won't happen again in the future. fred, what sort of charges might the attacker face. >> well, first of all the criminal side of the case. now what you're seeing the sifled side. what happened this police officer who was badly beaten brings a lawsuit against a guy who doesn't have any money. against the bar who served him these drinks. you have to understand something. this is south philadelphia. 25 blocks from where i'm sitting here. and a $225 bar tab. this ain't the upper east side of manhattan. 225 bucks buys a lot of booze. why is that important, because under the laws in pennsylvania if you're a bar owner and you serve someone who is visibly intoxicated you could be held liable. the other thing you have to understand, philadelphia is very tough town, very tough. a lot of fan on fan violence here. if you're a bar owner, you
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reasonably perceive if you overserve some guy on gameday there is going to be fight. arthel: esther, if you're this bar owner, how do you defend yourself in this case? >> i think that this prosecution against the bar is just going a little too far. i agree with the prosecution against the attacker if they can prove it. he already conceded it was him but the bar, how could a bar owner know what someone is going to do when they leave the bar? drunk or not? how do you know, the act is really intended to prevent drunk drivers from hitting in the victims on their way home. this person wasn't driving. and how would they know that this idiot will get in his head to go attack a rangers fan? seems like quite a leap to make from serving an intoxicated man to making it reasonably foreseeable that he is going to attack another person from the other team because it is gameday? i think that is just too much of a stretch.
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and i don't know about the $226 if that was just for him or for an entire party. arthel: i was thinking that same thing. fred, we've been at sports bars before. you can see when a guy is going to be a hothead. >> correct. arthel: so cut the guy off. >> that is why we have the dr. ram act cases. if you're a bartender and serve somebody visibly intoxicated you pill the pin out of the grenade. you can't be heard to complain. i was worried about the guy not driving drunk and killing five people. it is reasonably foreseeable a boisterous flyers fan who is drunk will hit somebody particularly in south philadelphia. arthel: i was at a sports bar. i saw it happening. i saw it coming. i was so gone before the first blow went down. i'm like that. this is sad situation. fred and esther, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. >> thank you. jon: you've heard some of the growing concerns over the pentagon's decision to allow women to take on combat roles. coming up, our "news watch" panel weighs in on the topic
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a. jon: when you head to the grocery store to pick up a pound of hamburger you expect you're getting ground beef, right? folks in the u.k. got a big surprise when they found out the burger at britain's largest supermarket chain also contained some of this. talking about horse meat. people are of course outraged. there are multiple investigations going on. tesco, the market chain, dropped the supplier in question and now burger king has as well over there. greg palkot is live in london with more of the aftermath from this story. greg? >> reporter: hey, jon. horse meat is a delicacy in some parts of europe including my former home base of paris, france. here in the u.k. at least in the u.s., for eating purposes most people say
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nerg. had to it. when it turn up on the supermarket shelves in the u.k., a lot of people started galloping away. it was traces of horse dna found in the prepackaged hamburger patties. one at least contained nearly 30% horse meat. tesco and other stores which use the same ireland-based supplier, had to pull 10 million of those burgers out of circulation. but, jon, as you noted the scandal has more of a sizzle this week when it turned out that burger king was using the exact same supplier for its whoppers. while it says that none of its burgers were contaminated with horse meat, it has had to dump a lot of patties as well. it says no u.s. burger king ever used the firm which by the way has stopped production. now, government agencies here in the u.k. investigating the problem assure the public that the meat was not harmful to health. for example, there are some cancer-causing drugs administered to horses which
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are not permitted for human consumption. it is more of a truth in packaging or fraud issue. any way, jon, next time you stop in a burger king here in the u.k., you want a hamburger your way, don't worry, you will not have to have hay on the side. jon: we're talking about burger kings in britain at this point? >> reporter: burger kings in the u.k. sachs absolute live. we spoke with them and said none of them get meat from this supplier in the u.s.. jon: good to know. greg palkot from london. arthel: new allegations against the white house press corps. a reporter involved says the group is juvenile and amateur. our "news watch" panel will weigh in on that one. al gore going on tour after the controversial sale of his tv network to al-jazeera. doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly
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to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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jon: happening now, a reporter for "rolling stone" magazine blowing the lid off what he calls a fawning white house press corps when it comes to president obama. michael hastings saying when he covered the president on the campaign trail he fell into the trap of asking mr. obama soft questions. hastings has written a book about the 2012 campaign called, panic 2012. in an interview he says this of the president and his relationship with the media. quote, that's the presence of obama. even on the press cores, even on the people who follow him every day, when they're near him, they lose their minds sometimes. they start behaving in ways that are juvenile and amateurish and they swoon. let's talk about it with our "news watch" panel. kirsten powers, "daily beast" columnist. fox news contributor as well. john fund is a columnist for "national review" magazine and coauthor of, "who's
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counting". welcome to both of you. kirsten you've been critical of the white house press corps in the past. do you agree with this assessment. >> even for me, i have been very critical of the white house press corps, even this actually surprises me, that it would be that you have a reporter, actually, this reporter was asked, well, you don't do this, do you? well, actually, i kind of do too. you know he wants to be tough on obama but then he's not. i would say i think we need to hire grown-ups to cover the president. this is not acceptable behavior and the fact that you have somebody talking about it, i mean i think sort of being critical, but he is telling us that these people are incapable of covering the president. i can't imagine brit hume, you know, saying something like this about any president that he has covered. it is just not, it is beyond, really beyond the pale. jon: john, have you seen it
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in the white house press corps and if it happens, why? >> just remember the job of a white house press corps member and someone who also covers the president on the campaign has changed there is much less access. there is much less opportunity to ask questions than there used to be. a lot more photo ops and staged and managed news. not to explain away the behavior he observes but the job has gotten a lot tougher. now hastings in his book make another preposterous statement. he did badly in the first debate because he was distracted by benghazi. benghazi happened three weeks before the debate. and we know from president obama himself that he was complaining that he was locked in all day, for three days, doing debate prep. this is a drag. they're making me do my homework. he spent time watching several football games the sunday before the debate. this is, i believe part of the job unfortunately of a white house reporter now is to report the white house's point of view because you can't get any other real
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news. the problem if you don't provide context that is not being done in the white house. one thing to report what the president believes. another thing not to provide any context. jon: there is interesting poll out from gallup sort of might apply to some of this. it talks about how this president who cam papd originally to be uniter has not done so among the american people according to gallup. democrats approve of the job president obama is doing by a factor of, well, by 86%, say they approve. among republicans in this country, his approval rating is 10%. does that play a role here, kirsten? >> i think that's a separate issue. that is obviously a problem but i don't think that's what we're talking about. and, you know, i think john is very generous to the white house press corps. they don't, whatever changed in the way that the white house doesn't offer as much access still doesn't excuse it. you, the purpose of a journalist is to hold people
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in power accountable. i know this is probably a surprise to some journalists today, but that is actually what they're supposed to be doing. they're not supposed to be swooning. i wouldn't swoon, if i was interviewed the president. i would go in, i would love to have the opportunity actually, and go in to ask him some tough questions questions. i don't understand why, people who are around him, maybe not all the time, but enough can't behave like adults. really, we need some grown-ups if they can not be around someone who is powerful without swooning. jon: he got big laughs at the white house correspondents' dinner, welcome to all of you, my base. >> voted for me. jon: right. we'll leave it there. kirsten powers, john fund, thank you both. you can catch more coverage of the coverage tomorrow 2:30 p.m. eastern when i host news watch, 2:30 tomorrow. we'll be right back. look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is.
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